Saturday, March 7, 2015

Relay For Life Fundraising Club Social Media Badges 2015

Hey guys!  Short and sweet blog today :)  ACS branding released these awesome Social Media Fundraising Club images last week, and I thought those of you that don't have access to the toolkit would like to have a place to get them.  These are PERFECT for posting on Facebook and Twitter (heck, they are square- put them on Instagram to!) when asking for donations.  Make it your profile picture with a link to your fundraising page, or print one out and take a selfie with it!  For those of you who are running Relay Facebook pages, use these to recognize teams, and individuals for are hitting new levels.  Everyone loves a little shout out for a job well done!

What are you doing with Fundraising Club images?  Share in the comments below!

PS- Cancer Man has his eyes on Purple Club this year, think he can make it?  

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Relay For Life Wish Bracelets an easy DIY fundraiser! - revisited!

Note: This blog contains Amazon Affiliate links.  Why?  When you make your Amazon purchases through these links, a portion of your purchase comes back to me, and I turn around and donate it to RELAY!!!

This time last year, I posted about a super easy, cheap, and awesome fundraiser.  At the time, I thought I was just sharing a small handy idea, but it went VIRAL!  Since the original post, I have sold over 3,350 bracelets in the form of a DIY kit, so I thought it would be the perfect time to revisit, and repost the instructions!

I have learned since the first batch, that waxed cotton cord works WAY better for staying in place, and is easier to tie knots in- so you will not that change below :)

If you have ever spent time over in the orient, you know about wish bracelets.  The legend says that you tie one on (over in Thailand they are actually red string) and make a wish- when it wears off, your wish comes true!  Now, over the years I had completely forgotten about those cute little bracelets, until I went through some old boxes while organizing and found one!  And, as usual I said...

Oh!  There's a fundraiser in that!

I really do say that out loud in case you are wondering.  True story.

So anyway, I went to work figuring out how to make these little do dads, and it turns out- SUPER easy, and SUPER cheap!  So hey- what kind of Relay friend would I be if I didn't tell you how you can do it to?

Here's what you need (but remember- be creative- if you have something similar in your craft pile or can get it donated- even better!)

- 4 by 6 Cardstock (I chose to order postcards from Overnight Prints - it ended up being better quality than printing them at home)

- A hole punch (I like this one, because it punches small holes and looks really professional!)

- Scissors (UH PURPLE ONES!  Fiskars are my favorite, they last forever, and can handle being sharpened)

- 8mm round beads with a 1mm hole (I use purple cat's eye, but have found many people like multi colored ones)

- 1mm waxed cotton cord (the purple stuff in the photo above)
**note** if you are buying your stuff at a local craft store, hemp works well to!

OK, here we go.

This is so easy you are going to want to kiss me.

                                                     Thread both strings through your bead. 

Tie a simple knot on the right side of the bead (make sure it is centered)

 It will look like this when you pull it tight.

 Then tie another simple knot on the left side of the bead.

 Punch holes to string the bracelet through on your card.

String the bracelet through the holes you just punched.  Tie left over string in a bow in the back.

Now flip it back over and admire your handy work.  Isn't that the easiest thing ever!?!?

Not only are these awesome to sell as an easy fundraiser, but they would make great survivor gifts for your events (I have seen a few titled "A Survivors Wish").  And, if you don't have the time to make them yourself, I have a bulk pack listed on Etsy that you can buy for super cheap!  Happy crafting loves!
                        What little amount I make from the kits gets donated to Relay For Life!


Friday, January 23, 2015

What Not Say To An Avid Relayer....ever.

How can you do all of that?  You don't even get paid!
Face Palm photo FacePalm.gif
No, we don't get paid.  It's called volunteering.  We get paid by the good feeling we get from helping other people.

Don't you have enough Relay shirts?
funny gif photo dont.gif
Um, no.  We think of it  like this.  We have to wear clothes, might as well put something on that helps our cause.

Oh my gosh I could never stay up all night!
 photo WHATMOSS.gif

Oh!  You do Relay?  You should totally sign up for Komen with me!
Jim-The Office photo neztd5.gif

Good for you!  I don't have the time or money for stuff like that.
Harry Eyeroll photo HarryEyeroll.gif
Just take a step away from the Trivia Crack, mmmmmm kay?  We make the time, because we believe in what we do.  And, on that whole money thing... I've seen broke college students do Relay, so.....

Don't you get tired of begging people for money all of the time?
dr who please photo tumblr_m4rw5cRY0M1qbl202.gif

Most of the money you raise just goes to pay CEO's anyway.
hose photo 1632.gif
I'm just gonna leave this right here.....

Relay again?  Don't you ever think of anything else?
Poopourri on Make A Gif

But I gave to you last year!
shocked gif photo: Wat, Shocked Face tumblr_lbj668mzhy1qat7rw.gif 
Newsflash- we still have a LOT more work to do to cure cancer.

And last but not least, this one goes out to my buddy Grant- this ACTUALLY happened last night.
When someone puts a dollar bill in a donation jar, only to pull it out when they realize it doesn't go to one specific person.
oh my god gif photo: oh my god tumblr_loifcaHNcW1qdjvk5.gif
because apparently curing cancer is not enough of a cause?

One things for sure- we are NOT sorry for curing cancer.  We believe in our mission, and know our work is saving lives.  Now, can I interest you in a new Relay shirt?
 photo tumblr_inline_mwnh8rkSw01rh0271_zps3ffe8e0b.gif

Love it?  Throw me a tip!
or like Cancer Man on Facebook <3

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Relay For Life Letter Writing - Worksheets to help you through the process!

It's that time of the year RELAY SEASON!  This is the time of the year my blog and pinterest pages go wild with new views, and I spend a lot of time visiting communities and getting them all set for an amazing year.

You may have noticed that you are not getting the response you have gotten in precious years by asking for donations on Facebook.  If you haven't read it yet- this blog post explains why that is happening.   It is more important than EVER that you are actually writing and sending out fundraising letters.

Most of you have awesome staff that bring you pre written letters that you can send out- BUT GUYS.  What would entice you more to donate- a personal letter, or one that is pre done? 

I know that it is hard to figure out where to start, and what to include in a letter, so I have made up some easy to use work sheets to help you through the process.  Feel free to print these and take them to your team meetings or event meeting to share. 

Step one- fill out this worksheet!

Step two- use this letter format to transform your answers into a letter! 

Here is an example of what your finished product could look like!

That was easy, right?

While I have you here, let me fill you in on this awesome little tip.  For some reason, when I include a self addressed envelope, I get more donations back!  So take the extra time to do that to- it just takes a few minutes!

Need more letter ideas?  Check out some of ours from previous years here!

With HOPE,